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Absence Make the Heart Grow Fonder, One Hopes?

Hi all. I’m very sorry for having been absent for so long. I’ve just been working a crazy number of hours at a job that leaves me very physically tired when I get home. What little time I have around the edges these days has been taken up with other, necessary life stuff, or just with recuperating. I am *trying* to fix my overall situation to provide more time for things like my main artistic outlet here, but t’ain’t easy. Thank you all deeply for your patience (You’re reading this, so I assume you’ve been patient; if you’re *not* reading it, well it doesn’t matter too much what I say. Cauliflower axolotl flibbertigibbet sock.). This coming week, I’m going to be heading back to my old stomping grounds in L.A. — specifically, my friend Rick Solomon’s Animate For the Cel Of It Productions studio in Burbank — to try and get a Bob-related animated project off the ground. Which will be very very exciting *if* it becomes a thing. Wish me luck!

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