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Pearl of the Desert

This is the backup site for the webcomic, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! The comic's main site is located at

My goodness, I've been meaning to draw that for a long time! And... sigh, I really wish I coulda taken more time with it. Ah well. Ironically, I should be getting a saner schedule at my day job soon now, but not yet.

If you'd like to learn more about the history of Timbuktu, visit your local library!... Or just just look it up on Wikipedia, 'cuz the net's a thing now. It really only features in the prologue of this story arc, and I make no claims to any deep scholarship, but if I can do history about as well as the old Asterix the Gaul comics, I'll be happy.

AND to reiterate — if you are going to be in the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday, April 13, I will be having a


of my novel, Alien In A Small Town at Half Price Books store at 2036 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704 from 4pm to 7pm!

By all means, please drop by for a visit!

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