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Scary? Scary!! Scary!!! And... oh dear...

This is the backup site for the webcomic, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! The comic's main site is NOW located at

And, on THAT fairly ominous note… Folks… I’ve taken a good look at my money situation, and concluded I MUST devote whatever spare time I have outside of my dayjob right now to fixing it. (Ultimately, said money troubles are the reason the comic has been updating so sporadically, and I cannot fix the update the schedule until I fix the underlying problem. Logic. Bleh.) I hate to do this, but The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob is taking an… extended break. I was going to say “indefinite hiatus,” but that sounds much too final. I want and intend to come back to the comic, but that simply can’t happen until I stabilize things. Hopefully that will only be a matter of months. Hopefully. I’m a very stubborn man. Barring catastrophe, I will be back. And I think leaving in the middle of a story arc like this is a good thing, because it gives me proper incentive to return. Until then (for however long this may take), after thirteen years, thank you. All of you. Thank you so much for emails and encouragement (I answered most, but I know that I missed answering some and I’m very sorry; believe me, I read what you sent and I’m so grateful), and thank you for just reading and enjoying the comic. I hope it has spoken to you or just made your day a little brighter. Please check in from time to time to see when I’ll be back. Till then, the Archives with Bob, Jean, Molly, Volly, and Golly will be waiting for you. And one bright day, sooner rather than later I hope, there will new updates here again. (and in the meantime, hey, if you want to help, buy a book! Buy your friend a book! Give it a review online!)

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