Guest Art, June 23, 2024
This is the backup site for the webcomic, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! The comic's main site is NOW located at

And the Guest Art begins!
Andy Gruba is the creator of the webcomic Charismata! (and if you’d like to see his previous beautiful rendition of Molly, behold!)
And nilloc04 is the creator of the webcomic A Day In Hillsburg! Thank you so much, nilloc04!
(Be thee aware! Not every comic I link to is as G-rated as my own! Violence and language and such may be found therein! Possibly much such! Just so you know!)
And if you – yes, you! – would like to contribute a piece of Guest Art to be featured here betwixt story arcs, please send it to Please keep it Safe For Work, and do not send AI-generated images. Thank you!