Guest Art, Dec. 10, 2023
This is the backup site for the webcomic, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! The comic's main site is NOW located at

And thus endeth this round of Guest Art! The comic proper will resume next week!
Rink, a.k.a. kellerybird, is the creator of the webcomic Saffron Wave
YellowSaffronCitrine is the creator of the webcomics Spices and Stones and Lost To Evolution
Sunset_Zephyr is the creator of the webcomic Seriously?!
and Zero Hour is the creator of the webcomic The Adventures of Sir Power
(And again, to thee at home: be aware, not every comic I link to is as G-rated as my own! Violence and language and stuff may be found therein! Stuff, I say! Just so you know!)
Oh, and if you were curious, the book signing went really well! I brought 25 copies of the novel to the event, and I sold all of them! Cool stuff!