Guest Art, Dec. 3, 2023
This is the backup site for the webcomic, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! The comic's main site is NOW located at

And the Guest Art continues!
lopiditty is the creator of the interactive webcomic Bad Company!
Ash (a.k.a. sourswords) is the creator of the webcomic Pale Rider!
And thank you, T-Bird for an awesome piece! Bob looks startled! As he often does!
(And again, be aware that not every comic I link to is as G-rated as my own! Violence and language and stuff may be found therein! Stuff!!!)
And if you – yes, you! – would like to contribute a piece of Guest Art to be featured here betwixt story arcs, it is not too late! Please send it to Please keep it Safe For Work, and do not send AI-generated images. Thank you!
And last of all... yeah, I'm doing another book signing of my novel, Alien In A Small Town! On Saturday, Dec. 9, at the Half Price Books in Dublin, CA! If you're in the area, stop by! It'll be fun!