Meet the Characters – Part 15!
This is the backup site for the webcomic, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! The comic's main site is NOW located at

In fairness, I've previously implied that the Nemesites do have some sort of constitutional monarchy, since they have a parliament; but it's safe to say that Voluptua believes the royals and aristocracy wield too much power.
Because California's election schedules are weird, my own neighborhood actually doesn't have an election this Tuesday; but Tuesday is Election Day elsewhere in the U.S., so please please please remember to VOTE if you've got an election this Tuesday. So many problems in this country would be better if we actually consistently got the government representatives that most of the citizens want. But if people don't vote, that doesn't happen.
Next week I've got a special little surprise for y'all in the comic, and then on to the Guest Art! I got a lot this time around! And it's not too late if you'd like to submit some art for me to post! Just keep it relevant to the comic, Safe For Work, and don't send any AI generated stuff. Thank you!