Oh Yeah, That Stuff!
This is the backup site for the webcomic, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! The comic's main site is NOW located at http://bobadventures.thecomicseries.com

Almost added "midichlorians," but decided that didn't fit.
Fun fact: Waaaaay back when I introduced Golly’s “father” the Dean, I had an idea for a gag demonstrating that he had a proper mad scientist laboratory, by showing he had endless stockpiles of exotic chemicals and substances from all across science fiction — flubber, kryptonite, kyber crystals, what have you. Well, I never used the gag, but I always sort of thought I might use it someday. It didn’t even occur to me until after I’d posted this comic, I guess I’ve finally used that gag! Yay! It only took me 15 years!