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Recipe Exchange @ 9pm!

Pep Talk While Plummeting

This is the backup site for the webcomic, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! The comic's main site is NOW located at

Well, this one's a few hours late. I had a power outage last night, and that cost me some time. But if I'm being honest, the big delay was that on a caprice, I inked the art directly over the pencils instead of tracing it with my light table, with the predictable result that even after erasing the pencils, I had to waste time cleaning up the scans that I otherwise wouldn't have had to. (And to the obvious question: Yes, I do own a tablet. I just like paper.)

I should also be up front about the fact that I'm going to be putting in 6-day weeks at the dayjob for the next couple of weeks, which will make updating the comic... interesting! But, I already have next Saturday's roughed out, so I shall do my best.

And THANK YOU for voting on Tuesday!



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