Tesseracty Tic-Tac of Doom
This is the backup site for the webcomic, The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! The comic's main site is NOW located at http://bobadventures.thecomicseries.com

Not just a Tic-Tac of doom, it's a tesseracty Tic-Tac of doom!
Jean got the ability to see in higher mathematical dimensions during "The Island and the Idol" story arc. And in "Love and Space," Borfomite was described as hyperdimensional matter. And this little chunk has more mojo than most Borfomite chunks. So, yeah, it looks weird to her.
And to reiterate from a couple weeks back, with my current dayjob schedule, Saturdays (probably usually Saturday nights) are going to be my comic update time for the foreseeable future.